作者:宁波公证翻译服务    发布于:2020-09-12 11:23:52    文字:【】【】【


国家计划单列市 a city under the central government's direct administration

“宁波帮” Ningbo Merchant Community/Ningbo Bang

世界“宁波帮•帮宁波”发展大会 Global Ningbo Community and Development Partnership Conference

中东欧国家贸易便利化国检试验区  China-CEE Inspection & Quarantine Pilot Zone for Trade Facilitation

百团千人游中东欧 the campaign of organizing hundreds of group tours to CEE countries

国际港口名城,东方文明之都 a port of global renown, a city of modern civility

全国文明城市四连冠城市 recognized as the Model city in Social Advancement for four consecutive times

义甬舟开放大通道  Yiwu-Ningbo-Zhoushan Passage

宁波都市圈  Ningbo metropolitan area

港城联动  city-port coordinated development

产业高新化  introducing high-tech industries to the city

自营进出口额  total import & export volume of domestic companies

实业型企业 industrial enterprise

多规融合 the coordinated implementation of urban planning

大港工匠 skilled worker of an advanced port

公共海外仓  overseas public warehouse

国家首批科技成果转移转化示范区 one of the first National Demonstration Cities for Commercializing Scientific Findings

市级以上科技企业孵化器 municipal incubators of high-tech companies

“线上单一窗口”与“线下创新综合园区”有机融合 combine online services and offline industrial parks

规模以上工业企业 industrial enterprises with an annual revenue of over 20mn yuan

放管服改革 Reforms to delegate power, streamline administration and optimize government services

“最多跑一次”改革  "One-Trip-Only" administrative procedure simplification campaign

行政区划调整 adjustment of administrative division

协商民主 consultative democracy

六争攻坚,三年攀高(注释:六争指“项目争速、产业争先、科技争投、城乡争优、服务争效、党建争强”) make breakthroughs in six areas within three years

无宁不成市 There is no market without Ningbo merchants.

宁波帮 Ningbo Bang, or the Ningbo Merchant Community

文献之邦 a city of literature

浙东学术文化 East Zhejiang school of Confucian philosophy of pragmatism and rationality

藏书文化 tradition of book collection

进士之乡 the birthplace of men of great learning

院士之乡 to be home to numerous top academicians

三江口 Confluence of Yao River, Fenghua River, and Yong River

梁祝文化园 Liangzhu Culture Park

低标准养老保险  Basic Pension/ Basic Old-Age Insurance

地质灾害点  Places prone to natural disasters

城乡一体居民医保制度  integrated medical insurance system for urban and rural residents

空气质量优良天数比率 annual percentage of good air days

水质优良率  percentage of high-quality surface water

生态补偿机制  eco-compensation mechanism

污水零直排区 area where release of untreated wastewater has been eliminated

农业面源污染 agricultural nonpoint source pollution

长期护理保险制度试点改革  pilot reform on long-term care insurance system

建设医养结合型养老机构  build elderly care institutions offering both medical treatment and nursing care

低保对象 households under minimum living standard

宁波、杭州唱好双城记 the coordinated and complementary development between Ningbo and Hangzhou

“绿水青山就是金山银山”的发展理念 Green is Gold

普惠性幼儿园 Inclusive kindergarten